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'A Year of Writing Program' - Writing Children's Stories Inspired by Nature

Walkabout Tales

A Year of Writing Children’s Tales

A year long program to inspire your story writing and a look at getting published
New Group starting in Boulder, Colorado August 2019/20



Here’s how it works:

* We meet for a 4 day session to practice the art of walking in beautiful and diverse nature as a meditation, with specific writing exercises living in us. We write, we observe, we invite the muse, we create stories, we share, we edit, we practice our storytelling, we celebrate!

* We look into how to get our work published. We practice writing query letters to editors. We explore where to send them.

*With 4 days orientation in walkabout writing we go home to write on a rhythm we set before leaving.

*One time a month for 10 months, you will have an hour mentor phone session to go over your monthly writing assignments (you will have emailed them ahead). With new ideas, directions, suggestions to ponder, you will have ideas for editing your work.

*The monthly assignments include ‘writing sparks’ for your story development, as well as other writing and marketing assignments. This includes emailing some proposals out to potential publishers!  You may very well get publishing interest right away! Maybe this will pay for this program!!!!

* 10 months of mentor sessions will result in a lot of story writing!

*One year from our first gathering, we meet again for 4 days. With the support of the year of writing, group work, we will share more walkabout writing practice together, further storytelling voice practice, we will rejoice in the growth and productivity of the year. We will share our best work from the year.

One Year Training Program Cost – $2,000
Payment Plans are Always Available

Email with any questions or if you wish to apply.