Celebrate the Creative - Story Sparking - Playing with Pipe Cleaners -
It is a fun day when Nana goes into her storage room and brings out a big bin of Puppet Making Supplies from the long ago time when she made puppet kits for sale. Bells, and sequin stars, bits of silks and pipe cleaners of every color, wooden beads, little tiny baskets, and straw hats, wool and tiny silk flowers... Oh the possibilities for making things!!
So my grandson began, creativity flowing, twisting pipe cleaner bodies into being, wrapping (no sewing or glueing today) hair and clothes.
Oh look let's put apples in this basket, and Kale in the other. Let's play farmers Nana! A garden of carrots and kale, and an orchard of big red juicy apples. We need a farmer's market, and people to come and buy.
The story, for it always comes down to the story brought to life, went on for hours, more and more spontaneous puppets twisted and wrapped, and then again the next morning we continued on. A marathon of story and puppets tumbled out of Nana's puppet making bin.
All of these simple blogs about cultivating the creative fill me with hope when I see what children can do with just a little. So gather your puppet making loose parts and get ready to watch the children's magic begin!
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