We have been blessed with a few days of Hoar Frost,
frost that is formed when there is a lot of moisture in
the air. It forms crystals of frost and is beautiful.
This story adapted from an old Lithuanian tale is just
perfect for telling a good story on a frosty morning!
And what a fun puppet show this makes!
Father Frost and Little Frostling
Far away in the winter Northlands lived Father Frost and
his son LIttle Frostling. Father Frost was teaching Frostling
the winter art of Frosting. Father Frost showed his son how to
paint beautiful pictures, and play and gently nip
with the noses of people. But Frostling was bored
with all that. He wanted to taunt and tease
and freeze people!
Father Frost tried and tried to teach Frostling the kindness and
loveliness of frosting, but his son was naughty, naughty,
naughty!! This worried Father Frost, but he had an idea.
'My son, see there is a poor man going into the forest to
fetch wood for his family. If you can freeze him, then I will
let you be naughty. If you cannot freeze him, then you
will promise to be a good little Frostling and be nicer.'
Frostling laughed! He could hardly wait to get to work
freezing the old peasant. Why his coat was thin and
threadbare. How easy it would be to freeze him!
So off he blew, he surrounded the peasant with a cold
mist, and it went inside his coast, up and down his legs,
and nipped his nose and cheeks and ears! But the
peasant thought nothing of it and started to chop wood.
Frostling blew harder, freezing frost went up the sleeves
of the man's coat, inside his shoes, under his hat! But the
peasant did not seem to notice, he just chopped more
firewood. In fact he got so warm from his hard work that
he took off his gloves and kept on chopping!
'What kind of person is this', wondered frostling?
'I make him cold and he gets warm. Ahhh, I know,
I will hide inside his gloves and freeze his fingers
when he puts them on to go home.'
So Frostline flew inside the gloves and curled up
waiting for the man to stop his chopping. But it was
so cozy in the gloves, and the chopping went on and
on and on.... before long Frostling sound fell asleep.
When the peasant had finished his work, he piled
the firewood on his sled and picked up his gloves to
put on. But they were stiff and cold, and icy so he
started to beat them together to soften them.
BUMP, BUMP, BUMP they knocked together!
Well, this woke up Frostling with a fright!
'Oh, Oh, Oh, who is beating me' he called out.
BUMP, BUMP, BUMP went the stiff gloves
'Oh, Oh, please STOP!' called Frostling, but the
peasant heard nothing.
Finally Frostling got his wits about him and flew out
of the gloves, over the forest all the way home!
The gloves got soft and warm at once and the
peasant put them on and walked home through the
snow, whistling a merry tune as he pulled his sled of
Back at their home, Father Frost listened to Frostling
telling his story. 'So Frostling, remember your promise to
be a kinder frost maker', said Father Frost. And Frostling
was happy never to be a naughty frost boy again!
When you wake up one morning and see the most
beautiful frost pictures on your windows, leaves, and grasses,
you can thank Little Frostling and Father Frost. Do
whisper a hearty thank you to them for their gifts to us all.
CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS about our Jackie Frost
finger puppet mini course only $19.9
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