Busy Busy Bee - Early Childhood Puppetry Made Easy! An Online mini course for all!
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This sweet little course on creating a wee Bee Marionette, and working on a simple show that the children will love, guided by a video of the sweet song show, is part of our Early Childhood Puppetry Made Easy series.
This one is very suited for outdoor telling on a walk, in a garden or field of flowers. Of course it can be told indoors too. The children will be so enamored with it that you may want to make little bee puppets for all of them!
Only $19.95 for this SuperSale course, you will be set for telling bee tales all summer long! Take it at you best schedule, you keep the course for later reviewing.
I love creating little tiny tales for children that are so simple that they can do the puppet show too... You can create a swarm of bees for this song story and all do it together, on a beautiful nature walk wherever you live...
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