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Dyeing Silk for Puppet Stages, Story Aprons, Nature Tables - Basic dyeing and Multicolor / Over-dyeing.   A two week Online Course
Dyeing Silk for Puppet Stages, Story Aprons, Nature Tables - Basic dyeing and Multicolor / Over-dyeing.   A two week Online Course
Dyeing Silk for Puppet Stages, Story Aprons, Nature Tables - Basic dyeing and Multicolor / Over-dyeing.   A two week Online Course

Dyeing Silk for Puppet Stages, Story Aprons, Nature Tables - Basic dyeing and Multicolor / Over-dyeing. A two week Online Course

Regular price $99.00 Sale

Friends, would you love to learn the basics of dyeing silk for puppetry staging and story aprons, and for magical silk colors on your seasonal nature tables through the year?  

Would you also love to learn how to create muti-colored silks, wool felt, and wool roving, from an Over-dye method that creates miraculous colors in a step by step method?

Join us for a 2 week Online course on how to dye silks that are beautiful and so so useful in our early childhood classrooms and homes!  You keep my courses for later referral!

One of my early mentors called silk, 'woven sunlight', in how the colors glows inwardly and create such beauty.  How wonderful for children to experience color in this way every day in their classroom settings and at home.

The course is on an online course platform. You will get the first lessons in your inbox, and can work on them at your own best times.  I encourage sharing photos of your silks after you dye them!!  The more we see, the more inspired we will become!  In my years of training people in puppetry, silk dye days are absolutely one of the favorite things to do.  Immersing in color and colors weaving together is total magic.

See you there!  Just follow the instructions on the cart for sign up and payment.  

contact me at with any questions


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