Imagine a story apron for puppetry, a theater we wear, that has a wet felted bib landscape with a pocket full of story puppets, and a flowing colorful silk skirt which extends the landscape onto our laps where our story lives!
The children are mesmerized, it is so lovely and intimate for them. Imagine.
This course gives us time to make this beautiful story world together, explore magical ways how to use it to tell warm-hearted puppet stories, and we will also dye our apron silks using a multicolor over-dye method that creates exquisite flows of color. All online! I will be with you all the way!
Well before we begin I will send you a materials list, and once the course begins you will have video tutorials, demonstrations, presentations of stories, etc. There will be action steps to take with each lesson and, an easy way to share comments, post your photos, and videos too. A community can arise of colleagues engaged in the same wonderful process of skill building and creation.
Payment plans are available, worked out individually. Schools that are supporting your professional development may contact me for an invoice etc.
A day or two before we begin you will get an email from Ruzuku, our host platform for the training, inviting you to sign in. Then we dive in together.
This is not a Zoom course, it is recorded on an online course platform, but active in our sharing in real time. This allows you to work on it on your own schedule.
See you there my friends!!