Summer Professional Development 2025 - A Therapeutic Puppetry Tool Box - Nursery Rhyme Story Puppetry - Begins July 12. Early Bird Pricing until May 1
Regular price
Juniper Tree Puppets has developed an Online course, a practical and meaningful program to deepen your skills and understanding of therapeutic ways of bringing puppetry to today's children.
In this offering, we will immerse ourselves in the exploration of the development of Nursery Rhyme Story for Puppetry and as a huge support for Language Development in Early Childhood. We will make Jack-be-Nimble, and Old Mother Hubbard with her dog, and learn how to enliven them in artistic presentation, highlighting the support they give language development.
This ONLINE COURSE explores the artistic and therapeutic development of puppetry for young children using Nursery Rhymes, and Creating Story around them to expand them for puppet presentation. The puppetry will enchant and delight as well as hold deeper meaningful gifts for the children through our work with conscious Storytelling as well as puppetry. Nursery Rhyme speech is one of the best supports for Language Development in early childhood. The power of the consonant, the alliteration, repetition, and rhythmic qualities are foundational in speech acquisition. Join us for this rich skill building program of:
* Rich, meaningful, and practical content
* Designing and making puppets that can move and gesture well.
* Therapeutic and artistic puppet insights and presentation
* Story creation for Nursery Rhymes
* Storytelling voice work for Nursery Rhyme verse,
* Demonstrations and Transformations
We will concentrate on the joyful Table Puppet Theater.
Numbers will be limited, early sign up is recommended
Payment plan options are always available too.
Join us for this wonderful working together.
You will receive a list of materials you will need after signing up.
contact us. suzannedown@gmail.com to be put on a waiting list.
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