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The Play Cafe - Wet Felting WITH Young Children!  Menu - Breakfast!

The Play Cafe - Wet Felting WITH Young Children! Menu - Breakfast!

Regular price $47.00 Sale

I have been a champion of young children wet-felting with wool for years and years.. There is something so healthy about warm water, soap and wool, and the wonder of all it can become.  There are no limits to wool inspired imagination!!!

Children love the sensory magic of wet felting with wool.
Here is a mini step by step guide to wet felting  a 
Play Cafe Breakfast, complete with fried eggs, blueberries and
Yum!  It is amazing for children to watch a bit of                                
natural wool and a bit of yellow wool, with a pat pat pat, 
become breakfast fit for a fun-filled play cafe time!!

This mini course walks you through how to set up, and introduce
wet felting to young children, even the 2 year olds! 
The video lessons are very clear, making it easy for you to be successful, even if you have never wet felted before.

I always begin with a story and let them watch me, and invite them to join in to make their own fried eggs! We go on to see how easy it is to make blueberries, and a little more challenge for the older children (4-6 and up) for our watermelon slices! Joy!

This course comes with a felting story to tell called 'The Doll's Cafe'.

Do Join us, you will be so glad you did!!