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A Simple and Sweet Little Bulb Tale for An Early Spring Walk




This is a simplified version of the Little Brown Bulb story. It is perfect for a wee tale to tell on a spring walk with children when you come upon a spring bulb waking up with bloom! Or you can bring puppets in a basket for an impromptu puppet story on your lap, children gathered all around you, and cheerful spring flowers blooming to set the story mood.


Little Brown Bulb

 Little brown bulb lay fast asleep deep, deep in Mother Earth’s gown.  He had been sleeping a long time.  Slowly the warm rays of the Spring sun reached their way through the earth and warmed little brown bulb.  Oh how nice that felt, and little brown bulb began to stir, he lifted his sleepy little head and wondered, Is it spring?  Is it time to wake up?  But little brown bulb was still so sleepy he just rolled over and went back to sleep.

Father Sun and Mother Earth called out to the little bulb

‘Wake up, Wake up, you sleepy head,
It is time to hop out of bed!
Spring is coming, oh spring is coming!’


Then Father Sun sent down his warmest spring sun beam fairies to tickle the little bulb awake!  How lovely that felt, and little brown bulb stretched and stretched.  It was time to get up, and get ready for spring!

Spring is coming
Spring is coming
Birdies build their nests
Little bulbs will grow and grow
Each one doing their best.


And as little brown bulb grew up and up, he arrived in a beautiful spring garden as little crocus, one of the first flowers of spring. “I love spring, said the little bulb!



Juniper Tree School of Story and Puppetry Arts

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You might also enjoy our step by step video tutorial - Early Childhood Puppetry Made Easy course on creating a needle-felted Mother Earth and Bulb Baby Finger Puppet, only $19.95  CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS