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A Peek at Puppetry for Babies and Tots

A Peek at Puppetry For Babies and Tots

We love to see a mother lovingly holding a baby on her lap playing with a nursery rhyme puppet.  They are delighting in the rhythm and sounds of the words and the puppet movements.  Here comes Wee Willie Winkie over their laps, upstairs (up a child’s leg) and downstairs (down the leg), peeking through the window (hiding and peeking out), running along the folds of the lap, asking ‘are the children in their beds?’, creating joyful closeness and finding stillness. These playful living pictures of song, story, and puppets are a deep sharing for parent and child.  

wee willie winkie for tots table puppet

Then comes the repetition again and again, layer by layer, reassuring and confirming uprightness, walking into the world, and formative speech.  The child’s whole being will be twinkling with wonder, love, and fun of it all.  We hold this kind of experience inwardly in harmony with our understanding of their sweet, soft senses, and in the mirror of the child’s own accomplishments.  The child is being held in the gesture of loving protection in the mother’s arms, and takes in the picture of who he is throughout his development through the being of the magical puppet

a  wee poem for a sweet simple Puppet Show for Tots,
I recommend doing it two times one after the other.

Winter is cold
There is snow in the sky
The squirrel gathers nuts
And the wild geese fly

The fluffy red fox
The bear's in her cave
Sleeping all through the storm


photo puppet made by one of our students
poem found on pinterest, if you know the author let me know!


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