Juniper Tree Puppets Blog and Story Resources
Writing Stories for Children - First Steps!
I love writing tales for children. There is a moment when an imagination arises and you just start writing, like the lovely flow of a creek, w...
a creative life
A Year of writing Program for children's stories
daily life stories
early childhood teacher classes
learn to write protection stories
online early childhood professional develop
The Year of Writing Program - writing for children
winter stories for young children
writing children's stories
writing for children
writing healing tales
The Warming of Puppetry for the Very Young
I have been working with puppetry for all ages for over 40 years.For the last 25 years I have been researching puppetry for the very young. This h...
a creative life
daily life stories
early childhood puppetry
early childhood teacher classes
first puppets
language development for children
online early childhood professional develop
parent/tot programs
puppet tales for tots
puppetry for young children
puppetry for babies
puppetry for birth to three years
toddler creativity
The Star Dipper - A Summer Tale Adapted for Puppetry from an Old Legend.
When we find generosity and kindness in story, rewards follow. Keys to a magic castle are given; or perhaps a gift of a cloak of invisibility giv...
a creative life
art of outdoor puppetry
Campfire summer tale
early childhood puppetry
early childhood teacher classes
online early childhood professional develop
online puppetry classes for ECE
outdoor story for night
puppetry for young children
puppetry for young children outdoors
Summer stories
The Star Dipper Story
One way to make Puppetry Meaningful - Warming.
Let's think about 'warmth' in the young child – inner warmth, a healthy ‘inflammation’ that weaves us whole. Children ‘hum’ with harmony at certai...
a creative life
daily life stories
early childhood puppetry
early childhood teacher classes
enlivening puppets
making puppetry meaningful
online early childhood professional develop
online puppetry classes for ECE
puppetry and movement
puppetry and warmth
puppetry classes
puppetry for birth to three years
puppetry for young children
spring puppet stories
summer courses in puppetry
summer professional develop
Puppet Story Aprons With a Theme To It! Part 2 on story aprons
Today I am going to share about puppet story aprons that have a theme. Unlike the traditional story aprons that have many pockets filled with thin...
a creative life
Annual Summer Puppet Boot Camp
early childhood teacher classes
online early childhood professional develop
online puppetry classes for ECE
professional development classes ECE
Puppet story apron workshop
puppetry classes
puppetry for birth to three years
puppetry for young children
silk dyeing
Story apron
story aprons
storytelling theater
Waldorf advent story
The Puppet Story Apron Part 1 - Ye Olde Story Apron!
Some things are permanent and delightful in our world. Two of these things are children’s love of story and hide and seek. Put the...
Nursery Rhyme Wisdom - an Introduction.
The Nursery Rhymes are verse from literature that have endured time, imprinting the lively, rhythmical, alliterative song-like little stories in ...
a creative life
early childhood puppetry
early childhood teacher classes
early speech acquisition
language development for children
nursery rhyme puppetry
Nursery rhyme wisdom
online early childhood professional develop
online puppetry classes for ECE
professional development classes ECE
puppetry for young children
The Art of the Protection Story - an Introduction
The Art of the Protection Story - an Introduction part 1
We, dear friends, who have a love for stories and the visual puppet show, know they ca...
Giving and Receiving in Puppet Story
I do believe stories we show visually to young children can help build their healthy social sense. The children watch and take into their inner li...
Celebrate the Creative - Toddler Egg Dyeing
I love dyeing with a passion. I mostly dye beautiful multicolored silks, wools, and wool felt... It makes my heart sing to watch the colors merge ...