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Juniper Tree Puppets Blog and Story Resources

grandmother winter puppet

What if Winter Stays too Long - Seasonal Transition Stories

I love the 'in-between' stories, the seasonal tales that weave season to season.  Children love them too, and they help connect children to the l...
Mother Earth and the Thaw Fairies - A Sweet 'End of Winter' Tale

Mother Earth and the Thaw Fairies - A Sweet 'End of Winter' Tale

We have had so much snow this winter, it has been white white for months, and some days it is breathtakingly beautiful, and some days I sigh, deepl...
Summer 2023 Professional Development Courses Online

Summer 2023 Professional Development Courses Online

So happy to announce our Summer Pro-D Online courses for 2023!  They all have start dates and timeline, but you can work on them at your own best t...
Gnome's Candlestick - A Delightful Puppet Tale for Candlemas

Gnome's Candlestick - A Delightful Puppet Tale for Candlemas

The Gnome’s Candlestick A Delightful Puppet Tale for Candlemas Day  One dark and misty morning in late winter, Gnome was out early walking along...
A Peek at Puppetry for Babies and Tots

A Peek at Puppetry for Babies and Tots

A Peek at Puppetry For Babies and TotsWe love to see a mother lovingly holding a baby on her lap playing with a nursery rhyme puppet.  They are d...
Enlivening Puppets with a Sense of Place - the Wonder of Animals

Enlivening Puppets with a Sense of Place - the Wonder of Animals

  In a recent 'introduction to therapeutic puppetry' course, we dove into some of the fundamentals that make puppetry healing and therapeuti...
The Warmth, and Wonder, Within our Story Voices

The Warmth, and Wonder, Within our Story Voices

One of the most powerful tools available to us for bringing our storytelling to life is the engagement of our own inner warmth and wonder.   W...
Uplift your more Earthy Celebration Days with Story

Uplift your more Earthy Celebration Days with Story

 Uplifting Celebrations Days  We have an abundance of resources for the BIG Holidays through the year, but what about those days ...
One World Puppetry - a first look at Cultural Diversity in Puppetry

One World Puppetry - a first look at Cultural Diversity in Puppetry

Diversity is a very hot topic in today's early childhood circles.  Here is a first look at one way to bring puppetry into children's lives that wil...
The First Step in starting a Puppetry Side Business!

The First Step in starting a Puppetry Side Business!

 With all the inevitable changes in the world ahead, wouldn't it be nice to find a way to recession proof our incomes?  What if we could start a s...
Writing Stories for Children -  First Steps!

Writing Stories for Children - First Steps!

I love writing tales for children.  There is a moment when an imagination arises and you just start writing, like the lovely flow of a creek, w...
House Gnomes in Puppetry - and a wee little tale of Pippin the House Gnome

House Gnomes in Puppetry - and a wee little tale of Pippin the House Gnome

  House Gnomes In Puppetry House gnomes are some of the helpers of human-kind.  When we establish a relationship of gratitude with the elemental ...