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Juniper Tree Puppets Blog and Story Resources

House Gnomes in Puppetry - and a wee little tale of Pippin the House Gnome

House Gnomes in Puppetry - and a wee little tale of Pippin the House Gnome

  House Gnomes In Puppetry House gnomes are some of the helpers of human-kind.  When we establish a relationship of gratitude with the elemental ...
The Element of Surprise in Puppetry

The Element of Surprise in Puppetry

I love to bring the element of surprise in my puppetry, whether it is a hidden character on the stage under a silk, waiting for the perfect moment ...
The Warming of Puppetry for the Very Young

The Warming of Puppetry for the Very Young

I have been working with puppetry for all ages for over 40 years.For the last 25 years I have been researching puppetry for the very young.  This h...
Celebrate The Creative - My Outdoor Felting Kitchen

Celebrate The Creative - My Outdoor Felting Kitchen

A beautiful sunny morning to felt outside in my 'felting kitchen'. The birds are curious, right above me is a nest. Flower buds are swelling. A squ...
The Star Dipper - A Summer Tale Adapted for Puppetry from an Old Legend.

The Star Dipper - A Summer Tale Adapted for Puppetry from an Old Legend.

When we find generosity and kindness in story, rewards follow.  Keys to a magic castle are given; or perhaps a gift of a cloak of invisibility giv...
3 Year Long In-Depth Trainings Coming This Fall 2022 - So Excited About Them!!

3 Year Long In-Depth Trainings Coming This Fall 2022 - So Excited About Them!!

     Enrollment is now open for a New Group 2022-2023 Year       Year-Long Online In-Depth Puppetry Training Program Begins Sept. 18            ...
One way to make Puppetry Meaningful - Warming.

One way to make Puppetry Meaningful - Warming.

Let's think about 'warmth' in the young child – inner warmth, a healthy ‘inflammation’ that weaves us whole.  Children ‘hum’ with harmony at certai...
An Introduction to Outdoor Puppetry as Support of Children's Movement

An Introduction to Outdoor Puppetry as Support of Children's Movement

  I grew up in the countryside where my brothers and I spent hours everyday in active outdoor activity, running through the woods, making forts und...
A Resource Round-up of Puppet Silks/Gauze!  A Good Resource to Keep and Add To!

A Resource Round-up of Puppet Silks/Gauze! A Good Resource to Keep and Add To!

Silk and Cotton Gauze Silks and cotton gauzes for instant stages are a puppet's best friend.  I buy natural silk and dye them at an annual Se...
Our Early Childhood Puppet Story Apron Theater - Felt and Silk - a Pocket Full of Wonder!

Our Early Childhood Puppet Story Apron Theater - Felt and Silk - a Pocket Full of Wonder!

After trying out different kinds of pocket story aprons for puppet telling, I decided the best one for early childhood use was one that would prov...
Spring Song - A Tale of Listening and Wonder

Spring Song - A Tale of Listening and Wonder

A long time ago, way up in the mountains of a small kingdom, there was a shepherd boy.  It was spring and the shepherd tended his sheep day after ...
The Art of Listening at Story-time

The Art of Listening at Story-time

In my teaching travels and online courses, I hear teachers say ‘the children just can’t sit and listen at story-time’.  This has become a familiar ...